Dr. Alexandria White

Black Greek-letter fraternities and sororities have played an influential role in Black life and culture over the last century. From community service, to step shows, to their high profile members, the impact of Black Greek-letter organizations (BGLOs) travels beyond just the courtyards of college.

Membership in the nine historically Black sororities and fraternities, colloquially referred to as the “Divine Nine,” is often highly sought after among both college students and graduates. A new consulting firm, Destined for D9, aims to help adequately prepare, teach, and empower people who are interested in joining one of the Divine Nine organizations. Offering intentional and personalized services for clients in order to prepare them to be an asset to historically black fraternities and sororities, Destined for D9 is an interesting and innovative approach to a common journey. In an exclusive interview, we talk to Destined for D9 founder Dr. Alexandria White about her business.

Please tell us about yourself and your background.

My name is Alexandria White and I am the founder of Destined For D9. I was born in Chicago, and I attained a bachelor’s degree in sociology at Indiana University, Bloomington; a master’s degree in higher education at Ball State University; and doctorate degree in higher education from the University of Mississippi. I am the proud mother of a very funny 14-year-old daughter, and I love to travel, watch documentaries and do community programming. I am a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

What is Destined for D9?

Destined For D9 is an innovative consulting agency to assist leaders who are interested in joining Divine Nine fraternities and sororities.

Why did you decide to build Destined for D9?

As an educator, I have worked at various colleges and universities. During that time, I was involved in many Greek life projects and events. I have presented at national conferences on issues regarding Greek life, and I have done research on different aspects of fraternity and sorority life. I was often asked by students and parents about Greek life and how to prepare for joining a sorority or fraternity. I have often met with parents, students and interested people about Greek life. During those meetings, I noticed that a lot of students lacked some of the life and leadership skills that organizations are looking for such as what to wear for an interview and how to organize a successful event. Some students had never taken a public speaking course and were not equipped to engage an audience. I wanted to help them. 

What hole does Destined for D9 fill in the market?  

I think there is a market for this type of company because it allows clients to build important leadership skills, establish a personal brand, and gain overall insight into D9 organizations. During my first consultation I provide a free copy of Black Greek 101 by Walter Kimbrough. I want my clients to understand the history and the impact of all D9 organizations. 

Why should someone seek your services versus traditional options? 

There are a number of people who do not have a network of people of whom they could ask questions about Greek life. Many students are first generation college students, so they are unaware of the specific things needed to pursue membership in D9 fraternities and sororities. 

Additionally, I have clients who never got a chance to join a sorority or fraternity during their undergraduate experience and are looking for new and innovative ways to become knowledgeable about the changes related to Greek life. Parents are also extremely interested in my services because they want their child to get in a sorority or fraternity. 

I have four areas of focus: social, personal, academics and finances. These areas of focus allow me to assess each client and help better prepare them for Greek life. 

Are you guaranteeing acceptance into D9 organizations? 

Destined For D9 does not guarantee membership into any fraternity or sorority.

How do you expect your agency to be received by D9 organizations and members? 

My answer is in two parts. The agency is not for members of D9 organizations. They have already been accepted into their chosen sorority or fraternity. This service is for prospective members who want intentional, confidential and personal attention in areas that would assist them in being viable candidates for a sorority or fraternity. 

Next, I  have had positive feedback from fellow D9 members. Many of them have even asked if they could become a consultant too! 


